Best of the Yoyo Chinese Blog: Top Business & Working in China Posts

Our Best of the Yoyo Blog series pulls together the most read, liked, and shared posts from our blog, organized by topic.
Check out our other "Best of Posts":
- Best of the Yoyo Chinese Blog: Top Eating and Drinking Posts
- Best of the Yoyo Chinese Blog: Top Love and Dating Posts
In the articles below, you'll learn everything to know about working in China, or doing business in China or with Chinese people.
The blog posts are each packed with useful Chinese vocabulary, with audio samples to help you perfect your pronunciation. It's the perfect way to get insights into Chinese culture while improving your Mandarin.
What It's Like to Work in a Chinese Office
Want to know what really goes on in a Chinese office? This post will give you insight into modern about Chinese office culture. This is a great article for anyone looking for a job in China, or with a Chinese company.
4 Tips to Survive Your First Chinese Business Dinner
One of the first (and most important) things you learn when doing business in China is that business is usually done around a table full of food, and possibly small glasses of baijiu - 白酒 (bái jiǔ).
This post on surviving your first Chinese business dinner is a must read if you are looking to do business in China, or looking to work for a Chinese company.
What Does Losing Face Mean? The Importance of Face in Chinese Culture
Face is a critical concept in Chinese relationships. Public shame or embarrassment in Chinese society might cost you more than your pride. Find out how to save face and avoid the unspoken cultural pressures of life in China!
Understanding what it means to "lose face" and how to "save face" can be the difference between success and failure doing business in China. This is a must-read article for anyone building relationships with Chinese people.
10 Essential Chinese Business Phrases
If you're planning on working in China, or working with Chinese partners, learn these 10 essential phrases to succeed in your business meetings.
Chinese Vs. Western Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship in China is unlike any other in Western countries. See how different environments and mindset breed different startups.
This article will help you understand what makes Chinese startups different from startups in Western countries. If you are joining the team at a Chinese startup, or thinking about "starting" your own startup in China, read this article and be prepared!
Top 6 Jobs in China for Foreigners
Thinking about working in China? So what kind of work is actually available for you in the Middle Kingdom?
Here are the best jobs for foreigners and expats in China.
An Introduction to Chinese "Guan Xi"
Confused about 关系 (guān xì)? Like networking in the West, but more subtle, his is a critical idea in the Chinese business world and Chinese culture in general.
Read this blog post to learn all about this classic Chinese concept, and become a master of networking and relationship-building, Chinese style.
[LIVE]: How Chinese People Actually Speak
The classic scenario: you've learned some "textbook" Mandarin, but when you get into a real conversation with native speakers, you can't understand a word they say!
If you plan to work or do business in China, you need to earn how Chinese people ACTUALLY speak. This live hangout is full of valuable listening tips for the real world.
How to Make Great First Impressions with Any Chinese Speaker
In business, a good first impression is crucial. When you first meet Chinese people, chances are that they'll ask you questions from 5 main conversation topics.
In Chinese though, these standard questions can be asked in different ways that could leave you feeling like you've had a "bad Chinese day".
Bookmark this article as your go-to guide for preparing yourself for the different ways Chinese people will ask you "meet and greet" questions.
How Chinese People Actually Say "No"
We hope you always get a "yes" in business, but it's important to know how Chinese people say "no".
When Chinese people say no, it's rarely an outright "no". Learn how rejection or refusal is done in a culture that values subtlety and indirectness.
Unique Chinese Attitudes Toward Money
Understanding the way Chinese people think about money may be key to sales success and doing business in China.
Read about how some Chinese people approach saving or spending their money. It might be the crucial insight you need into consumers in China.
5 Ways to Deflect a Compliment in Chinese
If you're using your Mandarin skills with your co-workers and business partners - even if your skills are still quite basic - you are likely to receive many compliments from on your Chinese.
Refusing to take a compliment is the most basic of basics when it comes to manners in China. You're probably familiar with the overused "nǎ lǐ, nǎ lǐ (哪里,哪里)", but there are more natural and authentic ways to deflect compliments. This article will teach you how.
5 Reasons Why You Would Love Living in Chinese Cities
Doing business in China often means living in China - or at least spending a LOT of time in Chinese cities. If "overcrowded," "stressful," "traffic," and "pollution are the only words that come to mind when you think of China’s cities, then think again!
In this great post our blogger Pippa explains what’s great about urban life in China. Despite what you may have heard, there's a lot reasons expats love living in China.
We hope these blog posts have given you a deeper insight into working and doing business in China. Let us know which are your favorite posts in the comments below!