Your Guide to Colors in Chinese

We use 颜色 (yán sè)
- colors - often, like when describing things, like our possessions, what something or someone looks like, or what someone’s wearing.
We’ve also provided even MORE colors, and some helpful example sentences, for you to put these words to use. Make sure you bookmark this page for quick reference!
Colors Vocabulary
我最喜欢 ______。(wǒ zuì xǐ huan ___)
- I like _____ the most.
To learn more about how to use 最喜欢 (zuì xǐ huan)
to express your favorite things, check out this lesson from our Intermediate Conversational Course.
你的车是什么颜色?(nǐ de chē shì shén me yán sè)
- What color is your car?
我的车是_____的。(wǒ de chē shì _____ de)
- My car is __________.
他穿着 _____的衣服。(tā chuān zhe _____ de yī fu)
- He’s wearing _____ clothes.
If you want to learn more about why we use 的 (de)
to link an adjective and a noun, check out this lesson.
Just starting out learning Chinese? Check out our Beginner Conversational Course with the first lesson here, and be on your way to conversational fluency in Chinese in just six months!

With that in mind, we’ve rounded up some of the most useful colors to know in this super handy infographic. Print it out (in color!) and hang it up on the wall! You can also download it as a pdf here.
We’ve also provided even MORE colors, and some helpful example sentences, for you to put these words to use. Make sure you bookmark this page for quick reference!
Colors Vocabulary
粉色 (fěn sè)
- pink
红色 (hóng sè)
- red
橙色 (chéng sè)
- orange
黄色 (huáng sè)
- yellow
绿色 (lǜ sè)
- green (*BONUS TIP! Learn how to type the character 绿 - lǜ - here! HINT: It's not just "lu")
蓝色 (lán sè)
- blue
紫色 (zǐ sè)
- purple
蓝绿色 (lán lǜ sè)
- teal
白色 (bái sè)
- white
灰色 (huī sè)
- gray
褐色 (hè sè)
- brown
黑色 (hēi sè)
- black
棕色 (zōng sè)
- brown
咖啡色 (kā fēi sè)
- brown
棕褐色 (zōng hè sè)
- tan
金色 (jīn sè)
- gold
银色 (yín sè)
- silver
古铜色 (gǔ tóng sè)
- bronze
Degrees of colors:
浅色 (qiǎn sè)
- light color
深色 (shēn sè)
- dark color
浅 ___ (qiǎn)
- light ____
深 ___ (shēn)
- dark ____
浅蓝色 (qiǎn lán sè)
- light blue
深蓝色 (shēn lán sè)
- dark blue
Helpful Examples
你最喜欢哪个颜色?(nǐ zuì xǐ huan nǎ ge yán sè) - Which color is your favorite color? / What’s your favorite color?
我最喜欢 ______。(wǒ zuì xǐ huan ___)

To learn more about how to use 最喜欢 (zuì xǐ huan)

你的车是什么颜色?(nǐ de chē shì shén me yán sè)

我的车是_____的。(wǒ de chē shì _____ de)

他穿着 _____的衣服。(tā chuān zhe _____ de yī fu)

If you want to learn more about why we use 的 (de)

Just starting out learning Chinese? Check out our Beginner Conversational Course with the first lesson here, and be on your way to conversational fluency in Chinese in just six months!
What’s YOUR favorite color?
你最喜欢哪个颜色?(nǐ zuì xǐ huan nǎ ge yán sè) - What’s YOUR favorite color?
Let us know in the comments below!