Learn Chinese for Beginners: Chinese Phrase of the Day Challenge (Week 6)

In Week 6, you learned essential phrases you're going to use *all the time*, like 听说 (tīng shuō) and 不一样 (bù yī yàng).
Then Wei Wei showed you how to combine them with the vocabulary you've learned in previous weeks to form several unique sentences, and to start making comparisons in Chinese.
All the lessons from Week 6 are below, along with a Lecture Notes pdf you can download to practice offline.
Missed a lesson? Just joining us? Catch up on these pages:
Watch Week 1 lessons and download lecture notes here.
Watch Week 2 lessons and download lecture notes here.
Watch Week 3 lessons and download lecture notes here.
Watch Week 4 lessons and download lecture notes here.
Watch Week 5 lessons and download lecture notes here.
- Subscribe to our YouTube channel for next week's lessons.
*TIP: In the Lecture Notes pdfs, scroll down to the bottom for links to relevant lessons in our courses. These lessons include flashcards, quizzes, and audio review mp3s to help you practice what you've learned!
Month 1 Contest Winners
A huge 恭喜 (gōng xǐ) - CONGRATULATIONS! - to the 3 winners of our *Chinese Phrase of the Day Month 1 Contest*! They each received our Beginner Conversational Course for FREE!
Even better: EVERYONE who joined the challenge got a promo code for 50% OFF our courses and bundles! Thank you for joining the contest!
Week 6 Lecture Notes
Download this Lecture Notes pdf for a breakdown of the vocabulary and phrases in English, pinyin, and 汉字 (hàn zì).
Scroll down to the bottom of the Lecture Notes pdfs for links to relevant lessons in our courses. These lessons include flashcards, quizzes, and audio review mp3s to help you practice what you've learned!
Week 6 Lessons
Now let's take a look at all the lessons from Week 6.
Day 1
To say "I heard (something) in Chinese, you use the expression, 听说 (tīng shuō). It's easy to remember because it's so similar to 'hearsay' in English! In today's lesson, Wei Wei will teach the correct way to use it in a Chinese sentence!
Day 2
Today's lesson is SUPER fun! You're going to learn the Chinese names for two very popular fast food chains and how to say whether you like to eat their food.
You can go beyond this lesson and check out this really cool "Chinese on the Street" video where we asked regular Chinese people if they like to eat Chinese food. You might be surprised at their answers:
Day 3
After today's video, you'll know how to say "and" in Chinese - correctly! The grammar is actually pretty simple when you get a clear explanation.
Day 4
Today your Mandarin will take a BIG step forward as you start learn how to make comparisons. You'll learn how to say, "not the same" in Mandarin, and then we'll combine it with yesterday's vocabulary to make a pretty complex sentence.
Don't worry: you might have to practice it a few times with Wei Wei to get the pronunciation down, but you've already learned almost every part of this phrase!
On our YouTube community page, we've started posting a daily quiz question to help you review. Subscribe to our channel now!
Day 5 - Review
This week's lessons built up our longest, most complex sentence yet. Pat yourself on the back and celebrate each step of the learning journey.
Today's review lesson is a great time to focus on your pronunciation! Try to match Wei Wei's pronunciation as closely as possible. If you're having trouble with any of the sounds, practice with the audio and video demonstrations on our interactive pinyin chart.
** Feel like you could be moving more quickly??
Take the next step in your learning journey and study with our full courses here on our website! These 6 courses have 1,000+ videos and 10,000 flashcards and quiz questions, guiding you to a high level of fluency and literacy.
Sign up and and try the first 5 units (20 lessons) of our Beginner Conversational Course for FREE and build up your Mandarin skills in the right order - with plenty of practice!
There are 200 lessons in the course, with thousands of flashcards and quiz questions, lecture notes, audio reviews, and more. With clear explanations for EVERYTHING you learn, you can overcome the first big challenges of learning Chinese - tones, pronunciation, and basic grammar.
Check it out now:
Subscribe for Next Week's Lessons
The Phrase of the Day Challenge is an easy, painless way to take your first steps learning Mandarin. Just hearing yourself saying a simple sentence in Chinese can be incredibly motivating.
We'll add these blog posts at the end of each week with the lessons, but you can subscribe to our YouTube channel to see the videos each day as we upload them: