The 3 Big Chinese “De”s: Part 1 - 的 (de)

If you’re learning Chinese, you’ve probably come across at least one of the ‘de’s in Chinese - 的 (de), 得 (de)
and 地 (de)
. “De” can be quite confusing for Chinese language learners, since they sound EXACTLY the same and all have different grammatical functions.
With that in mind, we wanted to set the record straight once and for all! In this three-part blog series, we’ll go over the function of each of these three “de”s, as well as what you can call them specifically, to differentiate each one!
We’ve also created this handy infographic that lays out all three “de”s and their different functions - make sure you save it to your device for easy reference! You can also download it as a pdf here.

This particular blog post is dedicated to the first “de” - 的 (de) - specifically, so be sure to check out Parts 2 and 3 which will cover 得 (de) and 地 (de) respectively!
* Just starting out learning Chinese? Try out the first 20 lessons of our Beginner Conversational Course for free here.
“De” Number 1: 的 (de)

When learning Mandarin, the first “de” you’re bound to learn is 的 (de)

We call this character the “白勺的 (bái sháo de)”

This 的 (de) basically indicates possession, similar to “apostrophe s” in English, and is also used to link adjectives to nouns that describe it.
Type 1: Possessive “的 (de)

This is the “的” that functions in a similar way to “apostrophe s” or the possessive “of” in English.
Here is the structure:
Noun 1 + 的 (de)

我的朋友 (wǒ de péng you)
- my friend
我的老板 (wǒ de lǎo bǎn)
- my boss
她的狗 (tā de gǒu)
- her dog
他的车 (tā de chē)
- his car
李莉的饭盒 (lǐ lì de fàn hé)
- Lili’s lunchbox
我们的公司 (wǒ men de gōng sī)
- our company (just the company in general)
你的家 (nǐ de jiā)
- your home (home rather than family)
公司的资源 (gōng sī de zī yuán)
- the company’s resources / the resources of the company
房子的屋顶 (fáng zi de wū dǐng)
- the roof of the house
If you want to learn more about this 的 (de) and see examples, check out this lesson from our Beginner Conversational Course.
* Please note: 的 (de)

我朋友 (wǒ péng you)
- my friend (we’re close)
我老板 (wǒ lǎo bǎn)
- my boss (we’re close)
To learn more about this omission of 的 (de)

And also, check out this free lesson from our Upper Intermediate Conversational Course to see even more examples of the omission of 的 (de)

Type 2: Descriptive “的 (de)”

This 的 (de)

The structure is as follows:
Adjective (More Than 1 Syllable) + 的 (de)

蓝天 (lán tiān)
- blue skies
蓝色的车 (lán sè de chē)
- blue car
蓝色的手机 (lán sè de shǒu jī)
- blue cell phone
好人 (hǎo rén)
- good person
好机会 (hǎo jī huì)
- good opportunity
美好的回忆 (měi hǎo de huí yì)
- beautiful memory
As you can see, what matters is the number of syllables/characters within the ADJECTIVE.
To learn more about this structure, check out our lesson on it here.
That’s all for “De” Number 1: 的 (de)! Don’t worry about memorizing all the above rules right away - just keep this blog post as a resource, and the more you see 的 in action, the more intuitive using it will be!
In our second post in this three-post series, we’ll check out the next most-common “de”, and how to use it! Stay tuned!