OLD - DO NOT PUBLISH - China Immersion Trip

In July of 2019, 8 Yoyo Chinese students went on an amazing trip to China on the first Yoyo Chinese Immersion Trip!
It was a unique experience, bringing together their Mandarin studies with an unforgettable trip to three cities around China.
Check out this video to get a glimpse into our 2019 China Immersion Trip, then put your name on a list if you might be interested in our next trip:
3 Beautiful Cities in China and Famous Tourist Attractions
The 2019 trip took us to three beautiful cities in China.
We started in Beijing, the capital of China. From 故宫 - the Forbidden City and 天坛 - the Temple of Heaven through 胡同 and all the way out to 长城, we explored it all!
Our second destination was the historical capital city of Xi'an. Home to the terra cotta warriors, this was a highlight for the history buffs in the group!
Our trip ended in the fast-paced international city of Shanghai. We checked out the bright lights of the Bund on a river cruise, wandered the famous Yu Gardens, and so much more:
Authentic Chinese Food
So many tourism packages to China end up with you stuck eating western food at the hotel, or low quality generic Chinese food. But you really can't say you've visited China unless you try the delicious, authentic local cuisine.
Some of our most memorable moments were around a big table and a great meal with the real local flavors.
Fun Entertainment
We didn't want the experience of visiting China with us to be limited to language workshops and rushing to historical sites. You've got to blow of some steam and really let yourself have some fun!
These fun experiences helped us bond as a group, and created some of the funniest and happiest memories of the trip... like when we went to sing songs at KTV!
Yoyo Chinese Guides and Language Workshops
The #1 reason we decided to start our Chinese Immersion Trip program is because we feel there is a disconnect between the language programs currently available and way students are actually studying Mandarin.
You spend a significant amount of money, but there is a real limit to how much you can get diving into a new program, with new teachers, for such a limited time.
Our vision is that your entire experience in China is curated and guided by our Yoyo Chinese team. On our 2019 trip, our Academic Manager Yanfeng and our Product Manager Jason (who you might recognize from our popular live hangouts with Yangyang like this one and this one) were by our students's sides helping facilitate and create language learning moments beyond the language workshops.
But of course there were language workshops, with activities and curriculum that fits the core philosophies of our Yoyo Chinese courses - emphasizing practical, real world Chinese and giving clear explanations for everything you're learning.
And having fun while you're doing it!
Conversations with Chinese Locals
What are you most excited about as a Mandarin learner visiting China? For most students it's the chance to have real conversations with Chinese people!
These opportunities can be very intimidating and hard to initiate when you are traveling on your own, or with a Chinese guide who may have limited English skills (and certainly limited teaching skills!).
Jason and Yanfeng were there to help each member of our trip create these interactions. It's having someone support you (and even push you a little) that makes such a big difference trying to use your Mandarin in the real world, and have a deeper experience in China.
Want to Join our Next China Immersion Trip?
Fill out this quick registration survey to get your name on the list!
You're not committing to anything by filling out the registration survey, but it's the first step to joining us on our next adventure in China!