Learn Chinese for Beginners: Chinese Phrase of the Day Challenge (Week 9)

So much has changed in the world since we started our Chinese Phrase of the Day Challenge two months ago. First and foremost, we hope you and your loved ones are safe as we face the challenge of COVID-19.
We hope these daily Chinese lessons helps you take a break from the stress and worries of the day, and - for at least 5 minutes - help you focus on something positive (and fun!).
Without further ado, here are the Lecture Notes and lessons for WEEK 9. If you're just finding us now and want to join, scroll down for a link to WEEK 1 lessons and lecture notes.
Week 9 Lecture Notes
Download this Lecture Notes pdf for a breakdown of the vocabulary and phrases in English, pinyin, and 汉字 (hàn zì).
Scroll down to the bottom of the Lecture Notes pdfs for links to relevant lessons in our courses. These lessons include flashcards, quizzes, and audio review mp3s to help you practice what you've learned!
*TIP: In the Lecture Notes pdfs, scroll down to the bottom for links to relevant lessons in our courses. These lessons include flashcards, quizzes, and audio review mp3s to help you practice what you've learned!
Week 9 Lessons
Now let's take a look at all the lessons from Week 9!
Day 1
After you watch today's lesson, you'll be able to talk about dates and ordinal numbers in Chinese.
Day 2
Today you’ll learn how to say ‘already’ in Chinese, and we’ll introduce the all-important word 了 (le). 了 (le) is used to indicate an action completed in the past, so you can guess how we’ll combine it with ‘already’ to form some very useful sentences!
Day 3
The first new Chinese word we’ll teach you today is… ‘new word’! We’ll also teach you a great word to express degree in Chinese, so instead of saying something like, “I love you”, you can say “I love you A LOT!”
Day 4
In today’s lesson, you’ll learn two super practical words in Mandarin: 还 (hái) and 朋友 (péng yǒu).
Day 5 - Review
Today we'll review all the 新词 (xīn cí) - new words - we learned in Week 9... including 新词 (xīn cí)!
Missed a lesson? Just joining us?
Catch up on these pages:
Watch Week 1 lessons and download lecture notes here.
Watch Week 2 lessons and download lecture notes here.
Watch Week 3 lessons and download lecture notes here.
Watch Week 4 lessons and download lecture notes here.
Watch Week 5 lessons and download lecture notes here.
Watch Week 6 lessons and download lecture notes here.
- Watch Week 7 lessons and download lecture notes here.
- Watch Week 8 lessons and download lecture notes here.
- Subscribe to our YouTube channel for next week's lessons.
Ready for More?
We hope this Chinese Phrase of the Day series has you motivated to take the next step and really commit to learning Chinese.
Your path to fluency is right here on our website! These 6 courses have 1,000+ fun, simple videos just like in the Phrase of the Day series, with 10,000+ flashcards and quiz questions to help you review.
Try the first 5 units (20 lessons) of our Beginner Conversational Course for FREE to see for yourself how our courses make it possible for anyone to master this amazing language.
Start here with Lesson 1:
Subscribe for Next Week's Lessons
The Phrase of the Day Challenge is an easy, painless way to take your first steps learning Mandarin. Just hearing yourself saying a simple sentence in Chinese can be incredibly motivating.
We'll add these blog posts at the end of each week with the lessons, but you can subscribe to our YouTube channel to see the videos each day as we upload them:
Have a question? Need help? Let us know in the comments below!