Your Ultimate Guide to Human Body Parts in Chinese

If you want to describe someone's physical appearance, or tell a doctor about what part of your body is bothering you, you’ll need to know the names of the main parts of the human body in Chinese.
While you can use an online dictionary app to look up the translations on the spot, often times there are a TON of different ways to say the English word in Mandarin, and some of the words that will pop up in the search are only used in special contexts, so it’s really hard to pick out the correct one to use.
It’s always better to take a little time to focus on learning how to say some of the most important body parts in Chinese beforehand, so you don’t need to fumble on your phone to look words up during the conversation!
With this in mind, we created this handy infographic to help you lock some key vocabulary words about the human body into your memory.
Be sure to download the infographic and save it on your device, or better yet, print it out and tape it to your wall!
Now, the body parts listed in the infographic above are some of the main ones to know, but we wanted to share EVEN MORE names of different body parts in Chinese to assist in your conversations!
Check out the lists below, and don’t worry about memorizing everything! You can just learn what you can and then bookmark this page as a guide to saying these body parts in Chinese!
General Body Parts
身体 (shēn tǐ)
- body
皮肤 (pí fū)
- skin
肌肉 (jī ròu)
- muscle(s)
毛 (máo)
- (body) hair
骨头 (gǔ tou)
- bone(s)
关节 (guān jié)
- joints
头 (tóu)
- head
头发 (tóu fa)
- hair (on head)
大脑 (dà nǎo)
- brain
脸 (liǎn)
- face
额头 (é tóu)
- forehead
眼睛 (yǎn jing)
- eye(s)
眼皮 (yǎn pí)
- eyelid(s)
眉毛 (méi mao)
- eyebrow(s)
睫毛 (jié máo)
- eyelash(es)
鼻子 (bí zi)
- nose
脸颊 (liǎn jiá)
- cheek
耳朵 (ěr duo)
- ear(s)
嘴 (zuǐ)
- mouth
嘴唇 (zuǐ chún)
- lip(s)
牙齿 (yá chǐ)
- tooth/teeth
舌头 (shé tou)
- tongue
喉咙 (hóu long)
- throat
Upper Body
心脏 (xīn zàng)
- heart
肝 (gān)
- liver
肺 (fèi)
- lung(s)
胃 (wèi)
- stomach
大肠 (dà cháng)
- large intestine
小肠 (xiǎo cháng)
- small intestine
脖子 (bó zi)
- neck
背 (bèi)
- back
胸 (xiōng)
- chest
肚子 (dù zi)
- abdomen/belly
肩膀 (jiān bǎng)
- shoulder(s)
胳膊 (gē bo)
- arm(s)
胳膊肘 (gē bo zhǒu)
- elbow(s)
手 (shǒu)
- hand(s)
指关节 (zhǐ guān jié)
- knuckle(s)
手指 (shǒu zhǐ)
- finger(s)
指甲 (zhǐ jia)
- fingernail(s)
Lower Body
臀部 (tún bù)
/ 屁股 (pì gu)
- buttocks
腿 (tuǐ)
- leg(s)
膝盖 (xī gài)
- knee(s)
脚 (jiǎo)
- foot/feet
脚脖子 (jiǎo bó zi)
- ankle(s)
脚趾 (jiǎo zhǐ)
- toe(s)
脚趾甲 (jiǎo zhǐ jiǎ)
- toenail(s)
That concludes our list of body parts in Chinese! We hope this list is helpful to you in your conversations about the human body in Chinese!
To learn how to tell someone how you’re feeling, or what’s wrong, be sure to check out this lesson from our Beginner Conversational Course:
If you’re not already studying Chinese with us, check out this short video to learn how our program will help you learn to speak, read, and write Chinese:
Have a question? Let us know in the comments below!