4 Ways to Practice Your Mandarin Pronunciation with Yoyo Chinese
1) Watch all the videos in the Beginner Conversational Course level 1, as our pinyin and pronunciation videos (including help on tones) are all there and lay a great foundation, in addition to being a good refresher if you need it.
2) Use the audio recording tool while doing flashcard practice to listen to your own pronunciation and compare it to the native speaker audio, going back and forth until you're able to accurate produce the sounds.
3) Listen and practice speaking using the Audio Review feature found on (most) lessons. You will be prompted by a native speaker to speak out loud and we encourage you to actually do so! You'll be able to compare your own speech like with the audio recording tool as well.
4) Review any pronunciation points you feel you are difficult using the Pinyin Chart as each sound has audio examples, and many have video examples as well.