Learn Chinese for Beginners: Chinese Phrase of the Day Challenge (Week 3)

Another Fantastic Week!
If you've been following this challenge and watched our lessons each day this week, take a moment to pat yourself on the back! Making the commitment to study every single day - even if you only have a few minutes to spare - is the #1 key to success learning Chinese.
If you missed some of this week's lessons, or are just discovering our Chinese Phrase of the Day Challenge, it's not too late:
- Watch Week 1 lessons and download lecture notes here.
- Watch Week 2 lessons and download lecture notes here.
- Subscribe to our YouTube channel for next week's lessons.
Now let's take a look at all 5 lessons from Week 3. You can download the Week 3 lecture notes here.
*TIP: In the Lecture Notes pdfs, scroll down to the bottom for links to relevant lessons in our courses. These lessons include flashcards, quizzes, and audio review mp3s to help you practice what you've learned!
Week 3 Lessons
Day 1
The first lesson of the week will teach you how to say, "starting from today" in Mandarin.
Instead of just telling you the words to memorize, Wei Wei breaks down the phrase's simple grammar pattern, giving you a clear understanding of a very useful expression.
The next lesson will build on what you've learned today, so don't stop here... keep going on to Day 2!
Day 2
This lesson is only 3 minutes and 45 seconds long, but it is PACKED with super useful info for anyone learning beginner Chinese. Wei Wei introduces one of the most common, key Chinese words, 要 (yào), and also explains the name for the Chinese language.
Combined with yesterday's phrase, by the end of this lesson you're going to be saying a really impressive sentence in Mandarin Chinese!
Day 3
We're going to give you more practical vocabulary in today's lesson, and show you how EASY it is to make a subject plural in Chinese.
With these fun, short lessons, we hope you are actually ENJOYING studying this amazing language, and realizing you really can learn to speak Mandarin!
Day 4
You're going to learn a really important concept in today's lesson: the Chinese "question word". And by the end of this lesson, you'll be able to ask a "yes/no" question in Mandarin!
Day 5 - Review
WOW - looking back at all the vocabulary and phrases we covered in Week 3 of this "Phrase of the Day Challenge", you should feel impressed with how much you've learned!
Today we'll revisit everything from this week's lessons and put it all together into some really useful Mandarin phrases.
Week 3 Lecture Notes
Download this Lecture Notes pdf for a breakdown of the vocabulary and phrases in English, pinyin, and 汉字 (hàn zì).
Scroll down to the bottom of the Lecture Notes pdfs for links to relevant lessons in our courses. These lessons include flashcards, quizzes, and audio review mp3s to help you practice what you've learned!
Subscribe for Next Week's Lessons
The Phrase of the Day Challenge is an easy, painless way to take your first steps learning Mandarin. Just hearing yourself saying a simple sentence in Chinese can be incredibly motivating.
We'll add these blog posts at the end of each week with the lessons, but you can subscribe to our YouTube channel to see the videos each day as we upload them:
** Feel like you could be moving more quickly??
Study at your own pace with the lessons and reviews here on our website!
Sign up and and try the first 5 units (20 lessons) of our Beginner Conversational Course for FREE and build up your Mandarin skills in the right order - with plenty of practice!
There are 200 lessons in the course, with thousands of flashcards and quiz questions, lecture notes, audio reviews, and more. With clear explanations for EVERYTHING you learn, you can overcome the first big challenges of learning Chinese - tones, pronunciation, and basic grammar.
Check it out now: